SKU: 8794641 Category:


Product features


  • The most effective form of Morning After Pill
  • Can be taken up to 120hrs after unprotected sex
  • 2.5 times more effective than Levonelle


Product description

Morning-after pill that can prevent a pregnancy after unprotected sex, or if your contraceptive method has failed.

Ellaone tablet 30mg can prevent pregnancy even when you’re about to ovulate which is when your risk of getting pregnant is the greatest. ellaOne contains the substance ulipristal acetate which acts by modifying the activity of the natural hormone progesterone, which is necessary for ovulation to occur. As a result, this medicine works by postponing ovulation.

Features of ellaOne tablet 30mg

  • The most effective morning after pill taken within 24h of sexual intercouse
  • Suitable for women of reproductive age who want to avoid unintended pregnancy
  • Can be taken any time during your menstrual cycle



  • 1 Tablet


Suitable for

  • Children 1ys and above


Warnings and cautions

  • Talk to your pharmacist, doctor or another healthcare professional before taking ellaOne.
  • If your period is late or you have symptoms of pregnancy, as you may already be pregnant, also if you suffer from severe asthma or suffer from severe liver disease
  • In all women, emergency contraception should be taken as soon as possible, after unprotected intercourse. There is some evidence that ellaOne may be less effective with increasing body weight or body mass index (BMI). However, this data is limited and inconclusive, and therefore, ellaOne is still recommended for all women regardless of their weight or BMI.


How to use

  1. One tablet to be taken orally as soon as possible, but no later than 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.
  2. Please read the patient information leaflet before taking this medication.
  3. Bleeding patterns may be disturbed, however If the next menstrual period is more than 7 days overdue, or abnormal in character or there are symptoms of pregnancy then pregnancy should be excluded.
  4. Contraception should be used until the next menstrual period.



Each tablet of ellaOne contains 30mg of ulipristal acetate.





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