SKU: 3926466 Category:


Product features


  • Organic mineral
  • Tasteless gel, simply mix with water
  • Scientifically proven to remove E.coli, Shigella and C.difficile toxins


Product description

A mineral-based gel that’s clinically proven to bind toxins and help prevent diarrhoea.

Enterosgel intestinal adsorbent is a tasteless oral intestinal absorbent based on organic materials capable of binding harmful substances in the gut, which can reduce frequency of loose stool. This is particularly helpful in cases of food poisoning, acute diarrhoea and chronic IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

Enterosgel intestinal adsorbent is then expelled from the body through waste. This simple gel contains only polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (a jelly-like sorbent for binding toxic substances) and purified water. It’s taste free so won’t make you feel unwell when consuming and can help relieve you of your diarrhoea so you can go about your day hassle-free.

Features of Enterosgel intestinal adsorbent 90g

  • Drug free and free from sugar, gluten and preservatives
  • Helps restore beneficial intestinal microflora
  • Stops diarrhoea or shortens the duration of diarrhoea
  • Removes bacterial toxins and harmful substances that cause diarrhoea



  • 90g / 225g


Suitable for

  • Those experiencing diarrhoea
  • Adults and children
  • Vegans and vegetarians


Warnings and cautions

  • Do not take if you have a bowel obstruction or if you are on any modified-release oral medications
  • Use tube within 30 days of opening
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Do not freeze
  • Keep away from direct sunlight
  • Close the lid carefully after each use


How to use

Read information leaflet carefully before use as dosages vary depending on age and circumstances.

1. Dilute correct dosage in water and drink up to 3 times a day.



70% Polymethylsiloxane Polyhydrate, 30% Purified Water.




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